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Dental Implant Failure & Salvage –Eatontown, NJ

Helping Your Smile Recover from Dental Implant Failure

Most dental implant treatments yield excellent results that can last for decades. That doesn’t mean, however, that unexpected problems can’t occur. Our team at NU Dental Eatontown is all too aware of the possibility of dental implant failure, and should it ever happen to you, we’re ready to help. As soon as you notice a problem with your newly restored smile, call us right away to start exploring your treatment options.

Why Choose NU Dental Eatontown for Dental Implant Salvage?

Why Do Dental Implants Fail?

Illustration of a failed dental implant in Eatontown, NJ

When we place dental implants, we take multiple steps to maximize your chances of success. But while dental implant failure is rare, it can still happen if:

Symptoms of Failed Dental Implants

Bearded man rubbing jaw and looking concerned

Naturally, if your dental implants fail, you’ll want to know as soon as possible so that you can seek the appropriate treatment. So what signs can point to a problem with your dental implants? Notable symptoms include:

How Dental Implant Salvage Works

Senior woman with glasses sitting in dental chair and smiling

The exact steps of the dental implant salvage process can vary; it all depends on what caused your dental implants to fail in the first place. Sometimes, it may involve performing a deep cleaning or taking other measures to treat an infection. In other circumstances, it might be necessary for us to take your dental implants out so that the damaged tissue in your mouth can heal. If your dental implants need to be removed, we can discuss whether new ones can be placed after the necessary procedures have been completed.